Free Remote Security Training

Unfortunately, hackers are taking advantage of the current health crisis. As a work from home user, you may not have the same security protections you are accustomed to at work.

We recommend making security awareness training mandatory for all work from home users. RMC is offering a free security training to help secure the home IT environment. Learn how to protect your home and thereby your network of friends, family and businesses.

Learn how to secure your home by watching our webinar below!

Check the Chapter Settings to Skip Ahead:
1. Security Awareness Training
2. Work From Home Logistics
3. Security Resources

  • 4/3/2020 was an overburdened day for internet providers. Please accuse audio quality.

    Additional Resources:
    Security Awareness Training Program: Fully Managed RMC security training program with monthly mock attacks and training for all staff. Click to learn more.
    Slide Deck: Looking to integrate some of the tips from the video above. Click Slide Deck for a copy of the presentation.
    Download Checklist: 18 Ways to Make Your Remote Work Secure, Convenient, and Stress-Free.
    Subscribe: To our IT and security mailing list.










COVID-19 Work From Home Considerations & Risks

Remote Workforce:

The age of the remote workforce is upon us. At RMC we understand the complexity of setting up a remote workforce. COVID-19 has made this push difficult for many organizations as they are being forced to design, deploy and train on remote workforce solutions over night.


Employee Home Consideration:

Bandwidth. As an IT provider RMC is constantly working on improving network stability and speed. Home users will also have to contend with acquiring internet speeds that will allow for effective work.
Home Workstation. How will employees connect with electronic information. Bringing home business owned laptops/workstations will need to be considered.
Peripheral Equipment. Consider standardizing peripheral equipment for your at home employees. Items to consider include additional displays, webcams, docking stations, printers, charging cords ect.
Phone Equipment. What device will home users utilize for phone communication? Personal devices, business cell phones and bring home cloud VOIP equipment should be considered.

Business Infrastructure Considerations:

Access Business Servers & Workstations. Many businesses host essential information locally on a server or workstation. Consider how employees will access this information. Reference solutions below for options.
Communication. How will employees effectively communicate remotely. Consider chat & webcam solutions and email strategy. Many business will struggle with telecom solutions. Consider forwarding business lines to personal numbers or migrating to a cloud based phone system.
Data Protection. Consider where data is being stored and how users are authenticating to the data. In the midst of change revisit your data protection strategy.
Business Continuity. Many businesses will be leveraging personally owned unmanaged end points for their work from home employees. These unpatched devices sit on vulnerable networks and can present a risk to the servers & systems they connect to.
Phishing. Unfortunately there are those out there who are leveraging the current crisis to launch cyber attacks. Educate your employees and run a refresher Security Awareness Training for work from home employees.